BOS Innovations Inc.

spot welding robo t spot welding robots spot welding robots spot welding robots spot welding robots spot welding robots sp ot welding robots spot welding robots s pot welding robots spot welding robots spot welding robots ainting robots painting robots painting robots painting robots painting robots robo ts painting robots arc welding robo ts arc welding robots rc welding robots arc wel din arc welding robots arc welding robots w elding robots p a palletizing robots r obots alletizing robots palletizing robots palletizing robots palletizing robots palletizing robots part transfer robots b ots part transfe r robots part transfer robots part transfer robots t transfer robots part transfer robots part transfer robots part transfer robots part transfer robots assembly robots assembly robots assembly robots assembly robots assembly robots assembly robots assembly robots assembly robots e mbly robots material removal robots arc welding rob ot arc welding robots welding r obots arc welding robo ts material removal robots material removal rob ot m aterial removal robots material removal robot s ma terial removal robots re moval robots material removal robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dis pensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots dispensing robots packaging robots packaging robots packaging robots pac kaging robots ack aging robots packaging robo t laser welding robots laser welding robot s laser welding robots lase r welding robots laser we laser welding robots laser welding robots la ser welding robots SOLVING ROBOT REACH PROBLEMS FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS Founded in 1954, Güdel is a global manufacturer of robotic automation products, system and services. Güdel supplies linear motion modules, robot track motion units, gantry robots and components to OEMs, systems integrators and machine builders serving the automotive, erospace, logistics, heavy industrial and power generation industries. Güdel Inc. | 4881 Runway Blvd. | Ann Arbor, MI 48108 | 734-214-0000 | our workforce.There’s a real skilled worker short- age. It’s very competitive these days.We recruit, and people try to recruit from us. It’s a common problem. Having a strategy to specifically deal with that is a priority in our company.” When it comes to competition, the BOS difference is that it brings a full spectrum of capability to its customers, always focused on launching new tech- nology and working in the background on advance- ments, so customers can integrate what they need into their next solution.Making sure they’re at the cutting edge of technologymeans having a highly motivated and talented team.That’s of prime importance.The company prides itself on being able to control and man- age the entire project for the customer from end to end. Even if it means using contract resources, it controls the quality of the machine.