BOS Innovations Inc.
Broadly described, BOS is a service provider for manufacturers; a machine builder and a system in- tegrator for such clients as automotive parts suppli- ers Toyota,Magna, and Ground Effects. Ben acknowl- edges that the recent GM announcement about plant closures in Canada is certainly affecting some BOS customers and could have trickledown effects, negatively impacting the industry in Ontario. Retaining, training, and maintaining skilled work- ers is a challenge in this high-tech industry. BOS has about 95 employees with job skills ranging from systems engineering and mechanical controls designs, to software people, vision programmers, and all the skilled trades for building a machine, including millwrighting and fabrication, electrical, and panel building.They also have a complete tool and die shop.“We have the capability to do the en- tire machine,” says Ben.“We do outsource when we need certain special skills, or we need to augment Ben Huigenbois
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