BOS Innovations Inc.

two suppliers in automotive assembly for parts manufacturers. It was clear that the industry was changing; we understood that the traditional small assemblymachines with operators weren’t going to exist for the long-term in Ontario. So, that’s when we kicked off a plan to bring more advanced tech- nologies into the company, specifically robotics and (advanced) controls.” In 2010, BOS launched robotic welding technology, followed in 2013 by the addition of laser technolo- gies,which has become much more advanced over the years and now comprises a sizeable part of the portfolio. 2015/16 saw the company seriously develop its abilities in robotic vision guidance and vision control systems, as it became appar- ent that was going to be a prevalent technology going forward.More recently, BOS has made great strides with collaborative robots, as well. Ben explains,“We use indus- trial robots that others manu- facture.We have a good, long-