
systems,hoists,air compressors; anything that’s in that back roomwhen you take your car to a dealership to get it serviced,we sell,install,and service.” “Gas stations are our customer base,”JC insists.“Ev- erything that we do is centered around the gas station industry.So,whenwe construct a gas station,we do the due diligenceworkand the property transfer.When a customer of ours is looking to buya property,or a number of properties,theywant to knowwhat was previouslyon the property,what potential liability they mayhave froman environmental perspective,and what theymight be responsible to clean up before theybuy it.We can do that research for them.We can also clean up and remediate the site,before theybuy it.From there,we can build a gas station froma green- field space,up–not just the fuel system,but thewhole store,as well.And supply themwith parts and pieces and service.” JCbelieves that this horizontal integration of the company’s divisions is what differentiates it from the competition.“We trulyare the onlygame in town that does all of the things that we do,”he explains.“So,we maycompetewith another construction company that mayonlydo the construction piece–theydon’t do the environmental,theydon’t do the site remediation, SENECA COMPANIES CONTACT YOUR LEIGHTON O’BRIEN FULL SERVICE PEI DISTRIBUTOR TO ADDRESS YOUR FUEL QUALITY NEEDS UST TANK CLEANING & FUEL POLISHING HOLBROOK ENVIRONMENTAL Ideco Inc > Patented technology > Fuel quality assurance > Reduce waste disposal costs > No site shutdown USA’s only national network of PEI service distributors Modern fuel formulations are particularly susceptible to contamination, microbial activity, phase sepa- ration and they have a higher water retention. These can lead to issues with your UST system and, with modern vehicles requiring cleaner fuel to run, contamination can lead to vehicle failure. However, a proactive approach to fuel quality can provide opportunities for: Patented technology to ensure premium quality fuel INCREASED SALES Service station customers are increasing- ly aware of fuel quality. As a service sta- tion owner or operator, taking a proactive approach to maintaining premium prod- uct quality can help you stand out from your competitors, preserve your brand reputation and increase sales. SAVINGS ON YOUR MAINTENANCE BUDGET Fuel contamination can lead to accelerated tank cor- rosion and leaking, slow pump flow and pre-set pumps running over, and blocked filters, pumps and dispensers. Monitoring your fuel quality allows you to spot prob- lems before they become serious, therefore saving on your maintenance budget and protecting the value of your asset. Leighton O’Brien distributors provide the most comprehensive solution for remov- ing contamination and free water as well as a patented process for restoring fuel quality and remediating phase separation. The fuel is treated using a filtration and conditioning process and restored to 2 microns until it is clean and bright – remov- ing only waste, not fuel, from your site. Contact one of Leighton O’Brien’s network of PEI service distributors to arrange a fuel sample analysis.