KMC Controls

mens, and Schneider Electric, KMC is more agile and committed to both adopting and facilitating new technologies as they evolve.“We are very much involved in the digital transformation that is happening in our industry,”he declares.“We have the ability to do that faster than our competitors. We have improved our solution and enhanced it with technology to make it even more intuitive and easy to install.The whole hardware/software pack allows our customers to use new technology with their phone, and our promise to our customers is to provide innovative and intuitive solutions from responsive and supportive people.We think those elements differentiate us.” Newberry also realizes that technology never stands still and going forward, KMCwill continue to innovate and evolve.“Another big direction that’s different fromwhat we did in the past; we will be opening up a whole new channel,”he says.“We consider our traditional partners as OT- that stands for Operational Technology: HVAC, lighting, and security. But there’s a whole new channel that we’re developing–that’s the IT (Information Technology) providers, because KMC Commander can connect to data centers, server racks, and UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supplies).Over the next five years, there’s going to be a convergence of the OT type firms and the IT type firms. Studies have shown that by 2020, Ideal Connection Systems Unlimited Solutions  Terminal Blocks and Headers  Modular Jacks  Board to Board Connectors  I/O Modules for Building Automation 888-722-5625 | PREFERRED VENDORS n Cochrane Tech Services n Metz Connect USA Inc. KMC CONTROLS 50 percent of IT budgets will be IoT projects. So,we’re going to focus heavily on KMC Commander; we will continue to develop apps for it and market it to an IT channel as well as an OT channel, facilitating the relationship between the two.” “It’s all about getting relevant data in real time to any de- vice, via the cloud, so IoT is where we’re really focused, going forward,”Newberry says in summation.“IoT is going to be four times as big as the industrial revolution; it’s going to gener- ate untold trillions of dollars of GDP. Because of open source software and the lowering of the cost of sensors, the ROI on getting data to the cloud and doing something meaningful with it to save energy and make facilities more efficient is here.Anybody that doesn’t get onboard is going to be left behind.” Being left behind is not in the DNA of KMC Controls. It nev- er has been, and it never will be.This is a company that will always be in the forefront of change. Being left behind is not in the DNA of KMC Controls. It nev- er has been, and it never will be. This is a company that will always be in the forefront of change.