is constantly retraining their agents and my people stick around for years, is the end result going to be the same? The price may look lower, but quality, efficiency and effectiveness are just as important.All of this goes into it; it’s not just an altruistic idea.Yes, John and I like doing good in the world and we love helping our communities, but we’re also business- men, and I know that in order to be successful,we’ve got to build a model that makes my clients’ busi- nesses more successful. If we can create a model where the quality’s better,where people will retain longer inside FCR,where mymetrics are better, and where the price is fair,we believe the sky’s the limit.” BVM: So, you don’t compete on price? Achak: “It depends. Price will always be an issue, but what FCR does is focus on quality of work, flexi- bility, creativity, and the fact that you are doing work with people who are culturally connected to you, who understand your ‘pain points,’ and who under- stand the challenges that you experience dealing with ever-changing technology.We do our best to provide a fair price for the highest-quality solution. That’s the value FCR brings to the table.” BVM: Has anything happed recently, or planned for the near future, that will impact the way you do things or that you would want our readers to know about? Achak: “Opening up our site in Tijuana this year is FIRST CALL RESOLUTION 541-484-9060 csoregon .com Commercial • Medical • Construction Residential • More extremely exciting.This finally gives our clients a high quality, Spanish language support ca- pability that we had previously lacked. We’ve also opened a professional services silo inside the company that is now doing everything from CRM implementation to training modules de- velopment–super exciting stuff.” BVM: Where do you see your company posi- tioned several years up the road? Achak: “I would like to continue to do what we’re really good at,which is helping companies achieve greatness in customer service; con- tinuing to build out careers in small towns; and continuing to show people that our model is a successful one- that you can achieve greatness in the outsourcing space.” PREFERRED VENDOR n Clean Solutions Commercial, Inc. www.csoregon.com