South Burlington School District

have high quality sound and display systems, which increases student accessibility to programming. We have Ipads for assisting students in communication; and a broad variety of cloud-based applications are in use.” “Our students do have access to multiple AP courses, as well,” Vaillancourt adds. “We have technology, art, and music classes that allow students to explore their passions and challenge themselves academically. And then we also have an educational and cultural exchange program between South Burlington High School and a school in Germany, It’s called TIE – The International Experience.” TEAMS AND CLUBS Nichols declares that the school is “an athletic powerhouse,” and that its co-curricular offerings are “incredibly vast.” Co-curricular offerings are important because they are designed to provide a broad variety of activities to engage as many students as we can. “We have a Dungeons and Dragons Club; a Coalition for Community Service; a Ping-Pong Club; a Robotics Club; Bowling; and Unified Sports programs, which engages students with and without disabilities to promote sports, lifelong fitness, and recreational skills.And we have a Neuro-Science Club.”There are also clubs to help support teenagers in the areas of sexuality and inclusion – the queer/straight alliance and the gender/sexuality groups start in middle school and go through high school. “That’s given students the opportunity to work with Outright Vermont (an organization focused on supporting LGBTQ+ youth and adults, including 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 12 SOUTH BURLINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT