Township of Scugog Ontario

10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 with a recent relocation of a head office to the township, adding that the rural charm of the community is a major selling point. “It is part of our attraction in terms of coming to this area. They came because their owners are small town people, and they liked the environment that we have here,” he maintains. “That is really one of the tools we have in our toolkit to attract businesses.” He notes that a CIP is also in effect for the employment area, offsetting development costs that businesses would face when expanding or locating in a new area. “We are doing a lot to invest in business as we move forward. We have an economic development committee that’s made up of a broad sector of our business community and ourselves. And they are always out promoting and trying to figure out ways to help business grow,” Nix states. Vital Partnerships and Collaboration The importance of collaboration in small communities cannot be overstated, and Nix emphasizes the value of strong relationships with various entities, including Durham Region, the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA), the Chamber of Commerce, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the MSIFN Indigenous community, and Ontario Tech University. The township is also partnering with Port Perry Medical Associates and Lakeridge Health, taking part in discussions on attracting and retaining healthcare professionals. Mayor Wotten asserts, “We value all of those partnerships, and we certainly couldn’t do it without them. It’s invaluable what they give us and we’re fortunate that everyone is willing to collaborate and make us and every municipality within the region, as whole as we can be.” PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Dependable Emergency Vehicles n Mississaugas Of Scugog Island First Nation