Prairie Capital Advisors

and 2021, respectively. DIFFERENTIATION WITHIN THE CONSULTATION LANDSCAPE Considering that many advisory firms usually have a culture of presenting highly skilled individuals at the forefront of their firm, one thing that Prairie does exceptionally well is highlight the collective expertise of the entire company itself without having to lean on any one individual’s brand. It does so through the consistent growth and nurturing of expertise of all employees within the company. “Our business is very much an apprenticeship model. We need to have the ability to learn from one another and teach our younger individuals,” says CEO David Diehl. Diehl believes that, as an ESOP, this reinforces the idea that teamwork is the key to delivering quality to clients. This way, Prairie is perceived both internally and externally as one cohesive organization providing clients with the best results 4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12