Hampton Georgia

8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 12 undoubtedly the choices that will have a positive and lasting impact on the city’s economic vitality. Here, the message is clear: Hampton extends a warm embrace to entrepreneurs. A Collaborative Solution to Residential Needs Of course, having a nice roadway aesthetic and a thriving economy is still only part of Hampton’s successful city formula. Many would argue that what gives the city its spirit is the incredible focus on providing residents with the most convenient and supported lifestyles. Primarily, Hampton leadership has proactively tackled its housing challenges by partnering with developers Jim Chapman and Mike Embry in two massive projects set to explosively grow the city’s housing stock. In total, Hampton has already built 1200 new homes, with an additional 1800 homes in the pipeline for the next 12 to 18 months. And with the influx of new residents, there is already an understanding that those people need more than just a place to work. “People, especially coming out of COVID, want to get outside… so we’ve made a heavy investment in our Park and Recreation Department,” says Mayor Tarpley. So, in addition to the previously mentioned park upgrades, Hampton has improved its field, court, and lighting structures throughout