Alair Homes Green Bay

kids on the project site, helping them see what the construction industry is to them and how it is changing.” From new, cutting-edge tools to project- management software, construction is indeed changing, and it can be fun. That’s the message that the Selners are imparting to the potential next generation of young builders. “Even when it comes down to project-management software, there’s many different types out there,” as Andy points out, “and how we’re managing our businesses is really going to be how we’re going to have to tackle the industry in the future. I like to say, ‘How can we do more with less?’” Many builders have children to whom they want to impart a love for the business, perhaps even having them inherit it some day. The Selners are blessed with two sons, 13 and 10 years of age. “There’s always that thought of, ‘I would love for them to take it over,’” Andy allows, “but I also don’t want to force it on them. Not everyone is cut out for business ownership. I hate to say that, but it truly is the fact. Really, it’s just about trying to steer them in the right direction. If they’re coming up into it, great. If they’re not, we’re gonna cheer them on either way.” 9 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 12 ALAI R HOMES GREEN BAY