Walla Walla Regional Airport

204 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 and offers 100LL Self-Service, Jet-A Delivery & Self-Serve, Aircraft Maintenance, Concierge Services, Rental Cars, and aircraft storage. “This being an old Army Air Corps airport, we have a lot of old infrastructures,” Skoglund goes on to say, “and we have been making a concerted effort in terms of rehabilitation of our pavement first and foremost. So, the current project is an apron rehabilitation project which is a $14 million project. Once this is completed, we will still have one other apron section to complete. We get the funding from our FAA partners and then also an additional influx of federal COVID funds. For us the preservation and rehabilitation of pavement are key, “ she explains. “The apron project will be seasonally finished in November of this year, but we are not going to be able to finish all of the phases before the weather becomes an issue, so they’re buttoning up at the end of this month and then next year they will come back and complete the final two work areas. By the end of 2026, we hope to have milled and overlaid all the 1942 concrete,” Skoglund outlines. “We do have some additional projects that are in the queue,” she continues, “One of the important ones which is going to make a big difference to the pilots flying in and out of Walla Walla is a remodel and expansion of our FBO facility. Our FBO, George Aviation Services will operate out of the new facility, and it has just gone out for bids. This will modernize but also increase the footprint of the FBO building,” Skoglund adds. It truly is an overhaul of the entire airport, and we are positioning ourselves positively with our tenants currently as well as making it desirable for future tenants - it’s just going to continue to open the door for future development and inviting business jets and the general aviation community as well as commercial aviation passengers to Walla Walla. We want to provide a good welcome mat into our community. There is a fourth project that will also have federal funding and that is a drainage and electrical project to help bring the runway up to current FAA standards,” she notes. WALLA WALLA REGIONAL A I RPORT