Moon Township, Pennsylvania
88 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 daycares and pre-schools, five elementary schools, a high school with a middle school campus, two private high school institutions, and the university. It’s a town where you could do your schooling from the beginning to the job market. Robert Morris University has a wide array of different educational programs for students up to master’s programs. The relationship between the township and these institutions is close. Without their input, the town wouldn’t have parks and recreational facilities. The university students volunteer to help out the township by providing programs for the youth and volunteering for other programs, including helping out at another center owned by the township and run by the Felician Sisters, who assist those with the lower income bracket. Moon Township has its own police department, a 30-man force that operates a dispatch center. “Many smaller communities have gone with what they’ve dubbed ‘County 911’. But we have our own police dispatch that operates 24/7. The department only takes 40-50% of the budget for public safety and has been operating for around 33 years. This department is second to none,” says Lane. The police department is well respected in the community. It handles calls for many issues, from serious situations all the way down to dealing with calls relating to raccoons or deer in residents’ backyards, for which the community is thankful. Regarding public works, the township has a team consisting of 20 people who are responsible for ensuring that roads, parks, and public buildings are in good shape. “Both departments work incredibly hard. While Moon Township has a small-town feel, there are loads going on. We have an airport, a university, military installations, and, as we mentioned, a lot of commercial developments. And yet, the police and public works care for all our residents. We’re thankful they keep our home a quiet and safe community,” says Brilhart. MOON TOWNSHI P
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