DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express

56 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 DHX-DEPENDABLE HAWA I I AN EXPRESS We employ many people coming out of high school or coming out of college and expose them to the long-term opportunities for them in the number two industry in the world.” Valuable partnerships and trusting relationships are other contributing factors to DHX’s growth and success. One such partnership is with Matson, the company’s premier ocean carrier. About this relationship, Kane shares, “They are the number one ocean carrier that we work with due to their service- arrival on time, percentage on time because we do sell consistent service. So, they match our expectations very well and have been very strong partners of ours for 40-plus years.” Young Brothers, who operate the barge service, is another valued partner, helping to move goods between the islands. Altres HR has been providing human resource services and represents another important relationship. On the financial side, Kane says, “American Savings Bank (ASB) has been a very strong fixture with us, financing loans