Springwater, Ontario

TOWNSHI P OF SPR INGWATER , ONTAR IO fire station, fire service training area, sports recreation complex, library, creative space, and other potential municipal facilities.” Simcoe County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are also working with the township to add a facility beside the new fire station, both of which are now in the planning stages. “This will be a very significant development for us over the next five to ten years and will serve as a southern gateway to Midhurst and Springwater,” adds Allen. The township will be undertaking a Master Plan, which will include significant public consultation in an effort to determine the exact amenities that are to be constructed on the remaining portion of this property. On the environmental side, Springwater is partnering with local indigenous communities for the removal of trees on the Hasty Tract site. “They have an interest in utilizing some of those trees and also partnering with us for possible community gardens and such on the property,” From our family to yours, for over 50 years. 95 Barber Greene Road, Suite 302, Don Mills, ON M3C 3E9 | 416.449.6350 With over five decades of experience, Yorkwood Homes has achieved many milestones, and is recognized as one of the most visionary builders in the industry. www.yorkwoodhomes.com