Selfreliance Federal Credit Union

genuinely understand how to relate to them.” According to Tun, the pandemic’s “new normal” left them in an environment of no-touch information delivery, with an abundance of data about their members’ banking habits and e-banking barriers. He notes, “Rather than spamming members with non-relevant offers, we’re using marketplace intelligence to tailor our communications to individuals who can actually benefit from a particular service or offer.” The credit union’s core system is provided by Enhanced Software Products (ESP), a computer software company out of Spokane, Washington that works solely with credit unions to provide secure data transactions. “We’ve been very happy with their responsiveness to issues; they’ve been doing a great job for us,” Tun relates. “It’s a good, stable platform.” All things considered, membership is probably the simplest way to differentiate and explain that credit union difference. It isn’t about being exclusionary, it’s about providing a safe place for people to save and borrow so that they can succeed financially, thrive in good times, and be resilient in challenging ones. “We do whatever we can to provide the best in financial services to our member base, with the least amount of fees,” says Tun. “Ultimately, our goal is to communicate beneficial services. That, and to emphasize the credit union difference, to help members and potential members improve their financial lives.” On a more personal note, Tun confesses that the credit union’s spirit and drive to create prosperity for the communities it serves is one of the reasons he came to work for Selfreliance. He admits, “I was working for Mutual of New York at the time and I felt like we could never take on everyone. I thought, why not focus on this institution, on a particular group. And that happened to be my ancestry. I liked what they were doing for these communities, and they’ve