Colorado Auto Dealers Association

association’s core function, its claim to fame is more fascinating. As President and CEO Tim Jackson proudly explains, “CADA runs the third oldest auto show in the United States – the Denver Auto Show started in 1902. The only other auto shows in the country older than ours is the New York Auto Show started in 1900, and the Chicago Auto Show started in 1901. The Denver Auto Show actually predates Ford Motor Company producing cars and General Motors becoming a corporation.” T he Colorado Automobile Dealers Association (CADA) is the central association for franchised new car dealers in Colorado. Located in Denver, it boasts 260 members, ranging from small multigenerational dealerships to larger multi-dealership companies. CADA’s primary focus is advocacy, helping auto dealers in the state stay abreast of legislative and regulatory changes that might impact them and their customers. While advocacy is the Colorado Auto D D R I V I NG T H E I NDU S T R Y F ORWA R D