The Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association

THE STEEL TANK INSTITUTE/ STEEL PLATE FABRICATORS ASSOCIATION Passing the torch I n his 35 years of service to The Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association (STI/SPFA) – as member, mentor, leader, and friend –Wayne Geyer has seen a world of change in the steel industry. Undoubtedly, 2020 ranks right up there as of the most tumultuous and pivotal years. It also marks the end of Geyer’s tenure as Executive Vice President of STI/SPFA, as he prepares to pass the torch to a young and eager Tim O’Toole. While a newcomer to the Association, O’Toole brings the requisite skills, drive and passion needed for the top job… and the humility to recognize he has very big boots to fill. O’Toole is proud and excited at the prospect, candidly stating, “It’s very important to me to carry on the legacy that Wayne has created by being at the association for the last 35 years. I have spent my first five months on the job