Mansfield, Massachusetts
MANSF I ELD , MASSACHUSETTS and achievable goal of 20 percent over 5 years and meet criteria established in the Green Communities Act. In Massachusetts, that is something that many cities and towns have already received. We expect to receive that designation by early next year. And the benefit of that designation is that it will open grant opportunities and opportunities to make the town and its buildings more energy efficient. And that includes using grant money to buy fuel-efficient cars and, in some cases, trucks. So, we are excited about that, and we have the full support of the Select Board in Mansfield.” Despite the pandemic, the town continues moving forward while, at the same time, working on several other interesting initiatives, including the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the redevelopment of a piece of property located in the downtown core. The building is a former North Main Street Fire Station. “We find this property attractive for redevelopment for uses that are allowed by existing zoning in the Downtown District,” says Dumas. “And we are excited about that. There is interest in this redevelopment effort and it is an encouraging sign for the Downtown, as well as the community.” The due date for responses to that RFP is November 20, 2020. The property became available for disposition because the town opened a new public safety facility more than a year ago – where the Mansfield fire department is now stationed. The location of the old fire station is a key area in the downtown because diagonally across the street at 300 North Main Street is a 100-unit mixed-use development on the corner of Thomas Street. It comprises 100 units of residential housing and commercial business on the first floor. That development is almost complete at this point in time. Dumas acknowledges, “That construction
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