Mansfield, Massachusetts

MANSF I ELD , MASSACHUSETTS WHERE LIFE SCIENCES INNOVATION IS BORN Coming soon! Welcome to BiodiverCity of Mansfield. The region’s newest biotech campus development, located just south of Boston/Cambridge. We invite you to explore the Commonwealth’s Next Biotech and Life Sciences Hub, encompassing 63 acres and over 75,000 square feet of build- ready development space, available in July 2021. This prime location also includes a 3rd party logistics warehouse on-site for warehouse operations, with pharmaceutical Schedule II-V approved storage available. Boston hosts high concentrations of biotech activity with established broad- based biotech industry segments that are growing. One-third of all U.S. biotech investment is made in the Boston area with about one-third of the biotechnology employees working for companies in the region. Eighteen of the top 20 drug companies now have a major presence here, as well as all 10 of the top medical device companies. More than 11 million square feet of lab space has been built in the last decade, bringing the total to more than 28 million square feet. Abundant space and development opportunities await at BiodiverCity of Mansfield. ...... Contact us now and secure your future home in the hub where life sciences innovation is born.