Maax Spas Industries Corp.

S teve O’Shea, VP of Sales and Marketing for MAAX Spas Industries Corp., gives an incredulous chuckle as he recounts how the company has fared over the past year. “We started out the year going gangbusters in January and February before there was really much talk about the pandemic. Then come about the middle of March, when the pandemic started to be more worldwide, we got to a point where sales basically dropped right off.” While that in itself isn’t news in the world of commerce since COVID-19 reared its head, the fact that MAAX Spas’ downturn only lasted about 45 days is. So is the fact that the company is projecting its biggest year ever in terms of sales come 2021, thanks to a huge uptick in consumer demand this year. In fact, MAAX Spas currently has about 150 per cent of a normal year’s production on backorder. “I promise you that in 2021 we will build more hot tubs MAAX Spas Industries Corp. SOOTHING WATERS IN TROUBLING TIMES