Township of Belleville, New Jersey
The Tri-State Area’s Premier Motorcycle and Powersports Dealership 6 5 5 W A S H I N G T O N A V E , B E L L E V I L L E , N J 0 7 1 0 9 (973)751-4545 WWW.MOTORCYCLEMALL.COM TOWNSHI P OF BELLEV I LLE , NEW JERSEY younger professionals are picking up from where they are in the urban environments and coming 10 or 15 minutes away.” One of the traits Melham is most proud of is the municipal government’s ability to pivot and change direction through societal changes, including COVID-19. This year has taught Belleville a great deal about offering residents more than proximity to larger cities. Despite development projects already being in progress with the intent of offering jitney services, the municipality wanted more. They spoke to all of the major developers about offering residents a place to work within the building where they live, but not inside their units because not everyone wants to work from home. Melham is happy to report that most of the developers were very excited to offer up some of their allocated lobby and amenity square footage to provide shared office spaces to residents.
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