Albertville, Alabama

ALBERTV I LLE , ALABAMA standpoint.” The Sand Mountain recreation center also serves as an additional athletics facility for the city’s public school system. The high school team, the ‘Aggies,’ have just started their own competitive swimming team thanks to the aquatics centre. Albertville also invested more than $50 million into its public school system five years ago to improve the buildings and facilities, which in turn is attracting more students and residents. There are now about 6,000 students attending from kindergarten to Grade 12. In more good news, Hutton, a Chattanooga- based commercial real estate, investment, and development company, is leading the charge to build a 54,000 square foot Food City in the Albertville Marketplace plaza. Cofield shares, “It’s the first Food City store in Alabama. They’ve built in Tennessee and Georgia, but this is the first Alabama centre and it’s going to be their show piece; it will be their largest store. If you’re familiar with Publix Super Markets, it’s on that