Stockton, California

STOCKTON, CAL I FORNI A “On our city-owned property, we’re always looking for highest and best use and are willing to work with developers that have ideas that fit with our new General Plan,” Wright adds. “We’re really focused on infill development in this new plan, taking advantage of existing infrastructure instead of spreading out on the outer boundaries of the community. One of the things that’s exciting from a business prospective is that this new plan focuses on creating more possibilities for types of businesses in the different corridors, while making zoning a little easier. It’s less restrictive and at the same time, more thoughtful and strategic in how we’re driving traffic to the main commercial and retail corridors.” Stockton is also on the forefront of helping to ameliorate California’s affordable housing crunch. “The governor is focused on affordable housing,” Wright shares. “He had his team identify state surplus properties and Stockton and