San Pablo, California

SAN PABLO, CAL I FORNI A facilities, new bike lanes, and greening to a section of San Pablo Avenue, one of the major corridors through the East Bay,” says Kolarik. The City is also undertaking what will be one of the longest continuous Complete Streets Projects in the Bay Area: an approximately 2-mile long project that will overhaul one of the City’s major arteries, Rumrill Blvd., and provide more storm water infrastructure, greening elements, protected bikeway facilities, and improved pedestrian facilities.” “On the horizon, we have the Wildcat Creek Restoration and Greenway Trail Project next to the Plaza San Pablo development,” she adds. The designated Plaza San Pablo development area, formerly known as the Circle S Mobile Home Park, is being developed into a health campus in partnership with Contra Costa County. “That site is located along Wildcat Creek, one of three creeks that pass through the City of San Pablo’s borders,” Kolarik continues. “The City is currently undertaking a project that will improve the Complete Streets Projects, Rumrill Blvd. New Women, Infants and Children Building