Ram Construction Services

testimonials that introduce us to new clients. We’re on some high-profile projects here in the Midwest – we’re helping to restore the Michigan Central Station for the Ford Motor Company, and the Book Tower for Bedrock, which are both iconic and historic façade restoration projects in Detroit. There are also projects like JACK Casino – we’ve been awarded a two-year project in downtown Cleveland to restore their parking garage. Those projects are so high-profile that it’s impossible for anybody not to see our banners and see what we’re capable of.” BVM: Anything new at RAM that will affect the way the company operates? Nagel: “We’re always expanding what we can do in the field; we’re always looking for new products that can compete with what we’ve used for many years - products that will last longer, that are more budget-conscientious. That’s always a work in progress. “We host training seminars for our crews every year. Our safety department is second to none. We were awarded the AGC (Associated General Contractor) Bronze Award for our safety department this past February. Before, we had safety captains who would help to train all new employees, but we started recognizing that OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) was taking safety a lot more seriously and we realized that we had to, too. So, now, we have a Safety Department whose sole job is to visit job sites and make sure that our personnel are trained properly, that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is being utilized correctly, and that all OSHA standards are being maintained. “For example, when you grind out a mortar joint, or demolish concrete, there’s silica dust, and a few years ago, OSHA pointed out that silica dust is dangerous and needs to be contained, so that it’s not in the air affecting the craftsmen or any people around them. At the urging of our safety department, we started performing dustless