Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.

PARTNER ENGINEER ING AND SC I ENCE , INC . “We organize around everything a customer buying or operating commercial real estate needs in the engineering world. Bundling is part of our strategy. Other companies may require you to go to several different firms to get all these things done, whereas we take care of everything, nationally, in the engineering space.” Partner’s clients span all aspects of corporate and commercial real estate, from lenders, investors and owners, to developers, government entities, agencies, attorneys, and architects, among others. Being the best also means investing in the right tools and technology. Partner is committed to integrating technology into its core services and future product innovations. The company employs six full-time programmers, buys software, builds its own software, and customizes software, both to save people time and to deliver better products to clients. “We’ve been able to highly customize our project database to do exactly what we need it to do,” says Burrola. “If an employee has an idea to make their life easier or more efficient, we can do it quickly because we have the resources in-house.” 3. Sustainability & Resiliency: Be Part of the Solution Climate change and building resiliency for natural disasters are growing considerations in the engineering space. Partner is helping the commercial real estate world prepare for, and respond to, these changes while integrating sustainability into their own corporate footprint. Walking the walk when it comes to sustainability, Partner’s company headquarters is located in a fully-renovated, old telecom building, now powered by solar energy and using indoor plant walls to clean CO2 and maintain air quality. Just two years after Partner Engineering and Science’s establishment, their sister company Partner Energy was founded to provide energy efficiency and sustainability services for the commercial real estate world. Partner also Solar panels powering Partner headquarters in Torrance, CA