Collingwood, Ontario

the strength of our local economy, as well as our natural amenities. Maclean’s noted that two-thirds of our residents live and work in Collingwood.” “The majority of our employers are entrepreneurially-driven. We have quite a high- tech, knowledge-based sector that’s grown up in our community – with companies like Switch Video, that does animated explainer videos for corporations around the world. Smash Reality, WordJack Media, adbank, Content Refined, ARO Technologies and Canopy Media are other great examples of digital economy companies here in Collingwood. But we also have an interesting mix of boutique mid-sized companies like award-winning Agnora Glass that does structural architectural glass for businesses, internationally, and Sensor Technology, which grew out of Blue Mountain Pottery. One of the engineers purchased the company and turned the ceramics into sensors for marine uses, such as sub-bottom profiling, seismic exploration, and hydrographic surveying. They are known around the world for their technology with military and naval uses. “ “MacLean Engineering has been in Collingwood over 25 years, and they are making large waves in the mining sector with battery-driven, electric mining equipment. Developed together with MEDATECH, a local systems engineering firm, these new underground vehicles are having incredible impact in the mining sector for noise control, temperature control, and exhaust ventilation of the mine shafts because these are such big concerns when working underground. So, we have a strong economy and a great sense of place between the Niagara Escarpment and Georgian Bay. The awards are recognition of that and, while they’re nice to have, that’s not the end result we’re concerned about. We’re more focused on having a vibrant, full-circle economy that can employ our residents and provide jobs for supporting businesses, like the restaurants and other sectors.” COLL INGWOOD , ONTAR IO Courtesy of Dave West Photography