Bridgeport, Connecticut

enable revitalization without gentrification, and retain Bridgeport’s historic character. Early priorities are the creation of an Energy Improvement District to support energy efficiency and production, adopting a “Transit First” policy, developing a plan for open space use and maintenance, expanding recycling, and protecting the region’s waterways through enhanced stormwater management. A Green Collar Institute will train workers and act as an incubator for developing green industries. Joe Gresko, the City of Bridgeport’s Green Issues Coordinator, serves in a capacity overseeing both energy and environment. He reports, “One project the city has been working on for a few years is now coming to fruition. Our Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) just issued a decision on our thermal loop, a combined heat and power loop that would service our downtown area buildings (municipal and state) and also downtown residents with heat. We BR IDGEPORT , CONNECT I CUT