AIT Bridges Composite Solutions
A I T BR IDGES And now, not only has the law been changed to allow for innovation to come to market, new legislation has eliminated proprietary products. That means that AIT Bridges can bid against steel, concrete, and even wood. “We all get to bid it,” says Svoboda. “It’s whoever’s got the best program for what needs to be put in that location. It opens up competition and it allows for different solutions.” “There was this ancient rule that limited using patented or proprietary products in infrastructure,” President and Chief Engineer, Ken Sweeney, elaborates. “Every new innovation or new idea that comes out from private industry is protected in some way or another. Federal Highway realized that this was really an impediment to innovation. Different materials can compete against each other, and that was what they weren’t seeing. If we were allowed into the bidding, the worst thing that will happen is that prices will go down, because everybody is competing. They saw the
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