not have existed before.That’s been a big transition for us, and will be a significant part of our opera- tions going forward.” There was an inflection point in 2007/2008,when improving quality came to the forefront. Gary ex- plains,“We put together a program called the ‘Risk Free Sourcing Solution,’where our customers could get their overseas material, delivered, risk free.That critical interface moment helped double the busi- ness between 2008 and 2012.” Instead of just saying ‘this is what we do,’ the program put the information into a process with easy to follow steps, so people could understand where they’re going and the ex- pected end results.That clarity drove a lot of growth for GCP.” It also brought in bigger customers because they could see the service GCPwas willing to do on the customer’s behalf. Gary notes,“Companies can place an order with us and we send them a vital factors checklist to fill out.That communication document goes to the factory, then comes back to be checked again when the material is delivered.We look after everything: quality, shipping, financing, and they pay us only after the material has arrived at the custom- er’s door and they’ve had a chance to inspect it.” GCP employs a team of 12 in its Kitchener,Ontario head office, three full-time in China, and nine reps across Canada,U.S. and Mexico.However with their partner manufacturing facilities they have access to more than 200 engineers, and more than 10,000 people working on the products they sell.According to Craig,“Half the company are engineers by trade, Should you be doing more online to grow your business? Contact us for an honest evaluation. 1 (844) 334-6951 info@echosims.com Find out why our clients rave about us. GCP INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS GARY MOTTERSHEAD, FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT the other half are business and operations. We have a tremendous amount of valuable technical knowledge in-house.We also utilize the facilities we deal with and work with their technical staff.When you put all those pieces together,we have a great wealth of technical ability to draw from.” GCP’s business model is very simple–it doesn’t carry inventory. It sets up strategic partnerships with the manufacturing and customer side to supply 20-or 40-foot con- tainers.The company has 60 active custom- ers, and works closely with each of them so that all may benefit. Customers are classed as distributors and converters. Distributors take the material and divide it into smaller quantities. Con-