I t began in 1999 in Kitchener,Ontario with one key supplier and one product.Today, GCP Industrial Products supplies high quality industrial material frommore than 30 GCPApproved Suppliers on three continents, has an office in China, and supplies over 10 million pounds of material annually.The company is the largest importer of indus- trial rubber sheet in North America and a pioneer in the use of recycled rubber.A true community champion, GCP believes their true worth is always determined by howmuch more they provide in value than take in payment. GaryMottershead, Founder and President of GCP Industrial Products, is a forward-think- GCP INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS YOUR CATALYST FOR GROWTH AT A GLANCE GCP INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS WHAT: Producer & importer of high performance, custom, and standard industrial materials WHERE: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada WEBSITE: www.gcpindustrial.com and www.premlene.com
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