
I t’s more than a slogan, it’s a philosophy by which The Mas- ters Group lives. Having served the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 2000, The Masters Group can assess your business and personal financial management needs – helping you to create, grow and protect your wealth. Available products and services offered fall into three categories: wealth protection, wealth growth and wealth legacy. Insurance needs, investments, indexed universal life products, indexed annuity products, estate planning and much more are widely available to help you deter- mine what your money can do for you – and give you peace of mind for the future. If you are contemplating a business or personal financial decision, call for a no-cost appointment and learn about your options. Before youmake major financial decisions, help your- self by learning about the risks and rewards of each. Let The Masters Group review your financial goals and protections and help you set up a wealth growth strategy. You are never too young- or-old, rich-or-poor to seek your financial security. “Your job is not how you build wealth – that is simply your income. Building wealth is an entirely different process.” www.themastersgroup.net | 469.387.2443 the gate strong.And we worked tirelessly; we took everything apart; we created an A list and a B list and a C list of the things we had to have, things that were more luxuries, and things that we could cut off, and we worked through our plan until the reces- sion ended.When we got rid of the C list and things still weren’t clearing up,we looked at the B list and ended up cutting quite a bit of that, and even some things off the A list.We ran a pretty lean machine to make sure we were going to be in business on an ongoing basis.” George French, Company Chief Financial Officer adds: “Our two major costs are our rents and our personnel. Every lease that we had,we negotiated with our landlords to reduce or defer some of the cost, and that enabled us to weather part of the storm.We also combined managers for various offices; and we didn’t replace people as they left our company and so our personnel cost dropped.We even asked our management team to take pay cuts; our owners did not draw anything out of the busi- ness for a number of years.We survived and came out of the recession much stronger than before and were able to turn the company around.” “The management team that we have gathered, that stuck with us during the recession–they car- ried us through,” says Jan.“We could not have done this without them.”“We did go to our leadership team and asked them if they would be willing to take a pay cut and after the recession ended,we paid them back in full for those pay cuts over that time,” says Eric.“They were made whole again.That goes to our integrity and the way we take care of our people.” THE CENTURY 21 JUDGE FITE COMPANY