adam hergenrother

ADAM HERGENROTHER COMPANIES mont.HRG now has franchises within the original Keller Williams franchise in 17 locations in 14 states: Vermont,Arkansas, North Carolina, California, Idaho,Massa- chusetts,Minnesota,Nebraska,Wisconsin, Maine, Connecticut, South Carolina, Kan- sas, and Florida. In 2012, he launched BlackRock Con- struction.“My brother was a sole propri- etor of a construction company, building several custom homes a year and I had continued buying real estate and flipping a few things here and there, holding on to some assets.And I said,‘HeyTommy, I’m going to start a construction company and add it to my portfolio to fill my vision of being everything real estate, do you want to do this?’And he said,‘Absolutely.’” BlackRock does both residential and com- mercial construction and development. It has over 700 units in its pipeline–homes, senior care facilities, apartments, and luxury rentals. In 2016,Hergenrother launched Adam Hergenrother Training Organization as a way to formalize and disseminate the lessons he has learned and applied in his own businesses over the years.“We do a lot of business building training,”he explains,“from loan officers to real estate agents to other construction companies. Our focus is designed to help people grow personally and professionally and to use business as a conduit for their own personal growth.” Hergenrother applies that model most assiduously in his own operations.“We fo- cus on being a company of personal and professional growth; from the beginning, we’ve fostered that,”he states.“We’ve got 250-plus people in our organization, now, and we have no set hours for our employ- ees, because we’re a results-oriented com- pany.We have unlimited paid vacation, so people can come and go as they need, and most importantly,we put so much training into our people.We have two to three train- ing classes per day that people can take –some are online, some are live.We’ve got 18 percent of our workforce in Transcen- dental Meditation; we pay for our folks to have trainers.We do health and wellness days.We do yoga in the morning. So,we’re pouring back into our people. If we take care of our employees, they’ll take care of our clients.The most important reason we do all this is to continue living the vision and brand of who we are.” Hergenrother also believes in disrupt- ing the status quo of the real estate and construction industries, changing how