Romeo Community Schools

(DEM), and The Academy of Health, Human and Public Service (HHP). Each of these offers a series of distinct pathways for students to follow, based on their areas of skill and interest. Dr. Robinson explains, “When we talk about the academies, we’re talking about a wall-to-wall experience. What is different at Romeo High School is every kid is a career tech ed student. They spend their freshman year researching a ton of careers and learning more about themselves, their strengths, and their interests, and they make some choices.They put in their top two or three choices for an academy and pathway for the rest of their high school experience.” that works with school districts across the country and internationally, helping to prepare students for life after high school. Through this initiative, the Academies at Romeo were born, bringing comprehensive, career-focused learning to RCS. The district collaborated with the Macomb County Planning and Economic Development Department to identify regional job opportunities and emerging sectors, ensuring that students would be equipped to live and work in the area after graduation. This led to the formation of three academies,The Academy of Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BEI),The Academy of Design, Engineering and Manufacturing 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08 ROMEO COMMUNITY SCHOOLS