brief for the provincial government’s pre-budget consultation to influence the upcoming budget, presenting these recommendations to the Finance Committee next week. One significant legislative issue the OCSTA has addressed over the past several months is Bill 98. Daly notes, “It’s a significant piece of legislation introduced and passed by the provincial government, covering a wide range of areas.”These areas include provincial priorities, increased authority for the minister, performance appraisals of directors of education, and the disposition of properties. The OCSTA has actively participated in consultations on various aspects of this bill and the subsequent regulations. The association’s advocacy efforts extend to regular meetings with MPPs to promote the successes of Catholic schools and highlight the priorities and challenges faced by Catholic school boards. “We meet regularly, one, two, sometimes more, MPPs a week to promote the great things happening in Catholic schools across the province,” Daly shares. These continuous efforts aim to build relationships and positively influence policy decisions affecting Catholic education. PROMOTING CATHOLIC EDUCATION INITIATIVES Beyond legislative advocacy, the OCSTA promotes the initiatives and successes of Catholic education throughout Ontario. This includes not only the achievements of the schools but also the broader impact of Catholic education on the community. Daly emphasizes the scale of Catholic education in the province: “We represent 29 Catholic school boards, approximately 1,320 Catholic schools, educating over 550,000 students and employing over 59,000 staff. We represent over 2 million Catholic ratepayers in the province.” This extensive network shows the significant role Catholic education plays in Ontario’s educational landscape. The OCSTA coordinates several key initiatives, such as Catholic Education Week each year in early May. “We have a theme, a Catholic Education Week song, and distribute extensive material. The Catholic school boards and the schools within their systems celebrate and promote the good that’s happening in our schools that week,” Daly explains. These celebrations highlight the intellectual, spiritual, physical, and human formation that Catholic schools provide to every child, reinforcing the positive contributions of Catholic education to society. DIRECT SUPPORT AND INVESTMENT IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION The OCSTA also plays a vital role in supporting Catholic school boards and individual trustees through a variety of resources and events. These initiatives ensure that trustees are well-equipped to fulfill their roles and address the needs of the Catholic education community effectively. Daly emphasizes,“Our January trustee seminar,AGM, and regional meetings see hundreds of trustees 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08