Patrick Daly, the association’s President, articulates the OCSTA’s role with clear commitment. “Our primary mission is inspired by gospel values to protect and promote publicly funded Catholic education in Ontario,” he says.This mission manifests in multiple ways, from professional development and governance training to faith formation for trustees. “We support them in many ways, both in terms of professional development, governance training, and equally important, faith formation.” The association hosts several significant events throughout the year to bolster this support, such as an annual trustee seminar in January and an annual general meeting in late April or May. Additionally, there are regional meetings each fall, where OCSTA representatives travel across the province to engage with trustees in five distinct regions. “Each fall, we travel around the province, visiting trustees in each of the five regions, to share information and provide professional development and faith formation opportunities.” The OCSTA also facilitates speaker series events several times a year, offering virtual gatherings on a broad spectrum of topics to assist trustees. Daly shares a recent example, “We just earlier this week had a media training session for the chairs of each of the 29 Catholic school boards.” Advocacy is another crucial component of the OCSTA’s work. Daly highlights their regular interactions with Ministry of Education officials, the Minister of Education, cabinet ministers, and MPPs to advocate for Catholic education and respond to legislative actions.“We meet regularly with government leaders and representatives to promote Catholic education and to respond to certain pieces of legislation or actions on the part of the government.” Over the past decade, the OCSTA has also taken on the role of the legal bargaining agent for all 29 Catholic school boards. Daly notes, “We bargain for all 29 Catholic school boards. We represent them in provincial bargaining and at a number of provincial tables with the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, who represents all the teachers in our school boards.” LEGISLATIVE CHALLENGES AND ADVOCACY The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association is deeply engaged in addressing legislative matters that directly impact its members. This engagement reflects the OCSTA’s unwavering dedication to advocating for and supporting Catholic education across Ontario. Its involvement spans consultations, presentations, and direct advocacy efforts, ensuring that the interests of Catholic school boards are wellrepresented and protected. Daly explains,“We are at all times dealing with various issues. Recently, we’ve participated in the annual grants for student needs consultation with the Ministry of Education.” This annual consultation is crucial as it allows the OCSTA to present a comprehensive brief on the challenges faced by Catholic school boards regarding funding, accompanied by specific recommendations. Moreover, it has developed a 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08 ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES’ ASSOCIATION