Northern Industrial Training

science when we talk about recruiting,” he states. He points out that higher education institutions have mastered the art of recruiting over the decades, whereas the trades have lagged behind. “Kids in middle school may not select a career, but they start deselecting,” he explains. Historically, the trades have not done a good job of showcasing what they offer, leading many young people to overlook these career paths. NIT Alaska’s response has been to proactively engage with students at the high school level. Crum highlights the role of familial influence, noting that while they may not run shop classes for eighth graders, many younger siblings are exposed to the trades through their older brothers and sisters attending these classes.“In 2023 alone, we traveled off the road system for 120 different training events,” Crum shares. This approach is rooted in the belief that to effect change, you must meet people where they are. Each on-site event is an opportunity to promote trades jobs, post-secondary education opportunities, and the concept of lifelong learning. Despite the lucrative and fulfilling nature of trades careers, there is still a disconnect in public perception. “The trades are actually very well paid and provide interesting career potential,” Crum acknowledges. He emphasizes that promoting the financial and lifestyle benefits of these careers is crucial.“It’s easy because I’m a walking, talking example of what trade skills can offer,” Crum says, highlighting his personal journey through multiple levels of higher education, funded by his work in the trades. Crum continues, “Our primary focus is on the opportunities available. You can do these jobs and then pay for school, you can do these jobs and have a full-fledged career with a retirement plan, or you can work while attending school.”This flexibility is a significant selling point, especially for young people unsure of their future paths.“One of the best things a young person can do after high school is to work and learn a trade,” Crum advises. He emphasizes that these skills are invaluable and enduring, providing a strong foundation while they figure out their next steps.“While they’re figuring out what to do, they’re earning a great living and picking up skills that will serve them forever,” he says. 4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08