Mount Airy NC

Lewis says the next few years will see the completion of the downtown transformation projects, along with continued business attraction efforts. He states,“It is our goal to continue with the economic development, not only in our downtown area but to have some site-ready projects located in our community. So, if a company wants to expand, or relocate to Mount Airy, to benefit from our plethora of water, or just to be in a small, vibrant rural community, we want to A VISION FOR THE FUTURE Looking to the future, Mount Airy is courting a major investment from a company considering a $70 million to $100 million project.This investment would be the largest in the town’s history and promises to create jobs and significantly boost the local economy.“We are spending a lot of brainpower and energy to make that happen so that we can win that opportunity,” highlights Mayor Cawley. 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08