Morrisville NC

and accessibility for our residents and our businesses,” acknowledges Cawley. In terms of housing, Morrisville is focusing on mixed-use and multifamily developments, affordable housing initiatives, and seeking out potential partnerships with organizations like Habitat for Humanity to provide affordable housing.“It’s a unique challenge to us, based on the quality of the people here, their education, and their income,” admits Zuidema.“It’s not traditional affordable housing, it’s more about workforce housing and trying to make housing available to the folks that live here and work for the town, our first responders, our teachers, others that may not make that higher level salary that makes Morrisville affordable. We want them to be able to live here and contribute to the community outside of their work time.” FUTURE FORWARD VISION Looking ahead Mayor Cawley says “Our strategic vision focuses on sustainable growth, enhanced quality of life, and leveraging technology to foster “We are very intentional. We heard that they wanted more benches along our greenways, so we added those. I’m proud of how responsive our staff is to the wants and needs of our community.” SUPPORTING GROWTH Morrisville is balancing infrastructure and housing development to meet the needs of its growing community. Recent investments include a $4.76 million budget allocation for key projects such as roadway improvements, an innovative smart shuttle service, and the introduction of new overpasses in key areas. “That will significantly enhance connectivity 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08