MLM Incorporated

pre-screening process to ensure compatibility. “We charge for our pre-construction services, non-refundable deposits that get reapplied into the construction contract,” he explains. This not only helps to filter out unsuitable clients but also ensures a commitment from both parties. Medrzycki emphasizes the importance of team input in these decisions.“I always ask my team members, what do you think about this client? How do you feel about the communication details?” The pre-construction phase serves as a crucial litmus test for the future relationship. Medrzycki describes a scenario where the team might collectively decide against moving forward with a client due to poor communication or responsiveness.“Pre-construction is the most fun part of construction,” he says. If a client is demanding during this phase, it’s a red flag for potential issues down the line. In situations where market conditions necessitate taking on a challenging client, MLM has strategies in place to manage the additional demands. “We charge for it,” Medrzycki admits, ensuring they can allocate a full-time project manager to the job. This dedicated approach ensures the rest of the team 5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08 MLM INCORPORATED