Kings Mountain NC

a municipal gas utility, water and sanitary sewer, and solid waste. And we own our water reservoirs, including a 1600-acre lake.” One of the cornerstone projects is an $83 million sanitary sewer enhancement and improvement initiative. “We are completely rebuilding and expanding a 6-million-gallon-per-day sanitary sewer treatment plant,” Palenick explains. This project involves extending force mains by nine and a half miles and gravity mains by another eight and a half miles.“In doing that, we are not only providing capacity for the future but opening up a lot of lands that otherwise wouldn’t have been developable,” he adds. This expanded capacity directly benefits major projects like Dixon Ridge and areas around the entertainment district and casino resorts. Additionally, Kings Mountain is nearing the completion of a $13 million expansion of its electric utility.“We’re adding an additional substation delivery point and several miles of transmission, connecting it to the grid,” Palenick notes. Water infrastructure is also a significant focus. “We’re enhancing our reservoir and bringing back a public beach along with other amenities,” he says, emphasizing the city’s focus on capitalizing on utility infrastructure and recreational opportunities. ENRICHING TOURISM AND COMMUNITY LIFE Tourism is pivotal in Kings Mountain, driving economic growth and community engagement. The city is leveraging its unique combination of historical charm, natural beauty, and vibrant cultural events to attract visitors and provide memorable experiences. Susan Mosk, Marketing and Tourism Manager, explains, “Tourism is huge. We are trying to create an alluring destination among the mountains, greenways, and lakes.“Inside the city, we have great amenities like the Joy Theater, built in 1949 and currently renovating to restore its original look. It’s very active with dramas and plays.” Mosk also highlights how the city is maintaining and enhancing public spaces. “We have a beautiful 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08