Gib-San Pools

company’s enduring success. Looking forward, Gib-San Pools continues to invest in its infrastructure, technology, and staff.The company follows 4 levels of ISO standards, ensuring quality management, environmental health and safety, and information security. This commitment to excellence is audited by a third party, affirming the company’s dedication to high standards. “It’s more about the platinum level of service that we like bringing to our clients and having our clients understand that the platinum experience is really important when you’re dealing with us because that brand promise is critical to who and what we are as an organization,” Gibbs says. By maintaining a forward-thinking perspective and investing in key areas, Gib-San Pools is wellpositioned for continued growth and success, building on its legacy of innovation and excellence. and outdoor gatherings, Gib-San creates a compelling vision of what pool ownership can mean for potential clients. This approach resonates deeply with customers, particularly in a post-COVID world where outdoor spaces have become more valuable than ever. As Gibbs expresses it, the company focuses on selling a pool that is family-oriented, conventional, and is part of an experience that you could see yourself being a part of. Internally, Gib-San Pools also fosters a culture of trust and employee well-being. The company prioritizes its employees, recognizing that a satisfied workforce is crucial to delivering exceptional client service. “The potential of raising your company’s level is only matched by the output of what you do to protect the employees,” Gibbs states, explaining how this approach, coupled with visionary leadership and strategic planning, has been fundamental to the 13 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08 GIB-SAN POOLS