Chetwynd BC

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE McLain emphasizes that Chetwynd’s top priority in the coming years will be the construction of the new fire hall, alongside preparations for significant private investments. “We do have businesses that are signaling that they’re going to do significant investments coming up. We’re looking at pipe laydown yards, and getting ready for the next round of pipelines that are coming through town,” he recounts. He acknowledges the challenges facing the forestry sector, remarking “There’s a bit of a concern right now for market variances and fiber supply, but the government is working with all the stakeholders and through the reconciliation process, and the treaty land entitlement process, to hammer out the wrinkles and build some partnerships there.” Chetwynd’s relationship with local First Nations, 9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 05, ISSUE 08 CHETWYND, BC