Scottsboro AL

8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 “We have been very fortunate to obtain some grants specifically for infrastructure,” he describes. “Regarding the ARPA money that was spread nationwide, we invested some of our ARPA funding directly into infrastructure for water and sewer, which needed upgrading, which has supported additional residential, retail, and industrial growth within the city of Scottsboro.” “We have also been very fortunate to be able to work with the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs in obtaining some grants to help with certain traffic intersections that needed to be upgraded and improved.” Mayor McCamy noted two specific projects currently underway with the Alabama Laying the infrastructure groundwork for continued growth Of course, without the necessary infrastructure in place to support existing businesses as well as the businesses considering moving in, Mayor McCamy notes that many proposed economic expansion plans cannot be implemented easily. It is for this reason that the Mayor is quick to mention the focus the city has put on maintaining and upgrading the city’s infrastructure including water and sewer and transportation projects in addition to a continued focus on the necessary health and safety infrastructure to directly benefit its residents.