Huronia Airport

6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 trying to reduce that to make it less of a burden for the taxpayer,” acknowledges Premate. The planned land sales will be utilized for key infrastructure improvements and capital investments. This includes the construction of additional Tee hangars, an airport equipment garage, an aviation card lock system, and other essential equipment upgrades. Development Opportunities Huronia Airport has general and commercial aviation land available, along with non- aviation development opportunities. Premate says the airport is actively engaging potential tenants and exploring opportunities for growth and revenue generation, including aircraft mechanics, flight schools, modular home facilities, HVAC businesses, storage and distillery spaces, and potential expansion by the Georgian Bay Geopark. “We see an opportunity in North Simcoe for this to be not just a destination for commercial air traffic, but also commercial businesses,” asserts Mayor Evans, conveying that a craft brewery has also shown interest. He concludes, “The three communities, Penetanguishene, Midland, and ourselves, we get along well, and we came together and thought that changing the charter to allow for a sale of land would give us a competitive advantage in the marketplace.” “We see an awful lot of opportunity here, and we want to take a proactive approach, with the help and guidance of our very adequate staff, to make it even more successful. I believe we have a lot of potential to move forward, and we’re excited to get started.” brought Stephen Wilcox from Total Aviation and Airport Solutions. The big thing he was trying to highlight is that we’re trying to maximize airport revenue. So, to sell the land, to sell 61.4 acres, we will hopefully maximize airport revenue consistent with industry practices and reduce the net operating costs to the greatest extent possible,” Premate explains. Earlier efforts have yielded significant results in terms of financial growth and benefits for ratepayers. Property tax revenue has increased from $385,000 in 2008 to $1.7 million in 2022, accompanied by a rise in GDP from $58 million to $100 million during the same period. “The biggest thing that everybody feels is the cost to the ratepayer. In 2008, it was $4.70, and in 2022, the cost was reduced to $2.32. When airport activity increases and expenses are managed strategically, such as land sales, the ratepayer benefits at the end of the day. We’re currently sitting at $3.43. Once again, we’re PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Aviation Ground Fueling Technologies