Greene County Pennsylvania

5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 GREENE COUNT Y, PENNSYLVANIA Additionally, the county has large properties available that would be perfect for an assembly or distribution plant, perfectly located with easy access to transportation corridors. “We can reach half of the US population within a 10-hour drive of Greene County. I think that’s unique, where we’re positioned, and our rural nature has remained. We’re between two hubs of metropolitan areas, Pittsburgh, and Morgantown,” Belding conveys. The region has a strong healthcare industry, with West Virginia University and its hospital located nearby. Locally, Waynesburg University focuses on nursing education, offering an advanced BSN degree program. Collaboration with a community technology center that provides an early nursing program for high school students encourages students to stay in the area, work in healthcare, and pursue their nursing degree at Waynesburg. Embracing Technology: Greene County’s Path to Prosperity One of the advantages of rural communities, such as Greene County, is the welcoming and H i ghwa y / Tr a f f i c Eng i nee r i ng St r uc t u r a l Eng i nee r i ng / NB I S Wa t e r /Wa s t ewa t e r Managemen t Su r vey / Land Deve l opmen t Geo spa t i a l / Env i r onmen t a l and D r one Se r v i ce s Con s t r uc t i on Managemen t / I n spec t i on Committed to Quality and Client Satisfaction Since 1916 Full-Service Municipal Engineering Firm