Browning Harvey Ltd

9 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 BROWNING HARVEY LTD. company as well. This helps to retain and attract workers for the plant. The collective agreement defines how people enter into the plant operations and the terms of the contract that define benefits, as Williams explains. “They are very competitive with similar operations, certainly within the province,” he says. “From a salaried employee point of view, we have had some challenges recently. It’s taken a bit longer to find the individuals that we want and are a good fit, from a fit perspective and a skill perspective. That’s something that typically we haven’t seen from the plant side, but we’ve had some success with the most recent position, and I’ve got one more that I’m trying to fill, and hopefully that will be soon.” Citing Newfoundland and Labrador, Williams notes that Canada doesn’t get any farther east. “All of our raw materials come from outside of Newfoundland,” he says. “The bulk of them would come from Central Canada, for the most