Browning Harvey Ltd

10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 8 part from Ontario and some from Nova Scotia, but all of our raw materials, with the exception of water, are shipped in. The way that our operation works is all of our raw materials are shipped in through container ships. The cost of getting those supplies and goods is and will continue to be a challenge for us.” What keeps Browning Harvey Ltd’s leaders motivated? Lunden says it’s employee loyalty. “We are very fortunate to have a great group within the organization,” she says. “We employ more than 220 individuals from our province, and we all work well together and bring something new to the table. We rolled through the pandemic together. That was a bit of a tough time, but we came out OK, coming to work every day with a great group. Not many people can say they go to work with their dad and sibling every day, and our grandmother is still quite involved, so that’s quite special!” PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Trans-Atlantic Preforms Ltd. Trans-Atlantic Preforms has been manufacturing polyethylene terephthalate (PET) preforms for over 30-years for customers across the world. The company has extensive experience producing high-quality preforms using virgin and recycled (rPET) resins in various sizes, shapes, colors and properties to create stunning bottles and containers for its customers across various industries. n Ball Corporation n NC Hutton Group n Oceanex