Anniston A
4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 Choose Anniston City Schools because Bulldogs Lead the Way! Students at Anniston City are expected to “Lead the Way” in the areas of academics, athletics, career training, and college preparedness. With numerous dual enrollment opportunities, championship athletic programs, and a diversified career tech program, Anniston City Schools strives to be a premier educational system. Founded in 1909, Anniston City Schools is home to three elementary schools, one solely dedicated to Pre-K and Kindergarten and two first through fifth grades; one middle school; and one high school. We serve approximately 1900 students and host approximately 280 certified and support staff members. The district’s student body is 84% black/african-american, 7% white, 9% two or more races, and 5% Hispanic/ Latino population, with 49% female and 51% male population. Anniston City is a district-wide Title I with 100% free/reduced lunch. With these resources, we were able to provide our students with great educational opportunities. Positive things ARE happening in Anniston City Schools! #DAWGSON3 For more information, visit: Why Choose Anniston City Schools? ANNISTON, ALA . The county seat of Calhoun County, Anniston is nestled in the northeast corner of the Yellowhammer State. Situated at the slope of Blue Mountain, it’s often been called “the Model City,” for its exemplary planning and meticulously laid-out streets back in the late 19th century, according to The Spirit of Anniston. Chartered as a town in 1873, according to The Encyclopedia of Alabama, the city today has more than 21,000 residents and is comprised of nearly 46 square miles. Historically, it was known as a center for the manufacture of cast iron and clay pipe. These days, as Folks explained, the City is benefitting from some $20 million–– monies combined from a local bond and other financial sources––that is facilitating a series of capital improvement projects now under way. The money covers a variety of infrastructural improvements, including the expansion of the Chief Ladiga Trail. And Anniston’s new gift of money will also help make possible a new downtown farmers’market and a new city hall in a new location (that of a former federal courthouse, located on Noble Street: the city’s main thoroughfare). These investments will lead to increased economic vitality and opportunity through several areas of improvements.
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